Abase - (a-BASE) to be made low, especially in the eyes of others. To abase oneself or to be abase is to suffer degredation before others and generally be accounted as one of the lowest of the low. Abate - (a-BAIT) lessen or reduce in magnitude. Often used to ask someone to calm down, as in "abate thy rage" or to describe something that was once greater and has now been reduced, e.g. "she has abated me of half my train", meaning she took away half of my entourage. Abed - (a-BED) basically, the state of being in a bed or of being asleep. Modern usage would be merely to say "in bed". Abhor - (ab-HOR) to hate or despise. When one abhors something or finds it abhorrent, the subject is extremely loathesome and repulsive. The speaker wants nothing to do with it. Abide - (ab-IDE) to stay or wait, e.g. "I will abide here"; to stand by something philosophically, usually stated in the negative, e.g. "I cannot abide his behavior". Abiliment - (a-BILL-ih-ment) clothing, apparel, costumes -- something someone wears. Spelled in some Shakespearean texts as "habiliment". Abject - (AB-ject) in the worst possible terms. An abject failure is not just a failure, but the worst kind of failure, likewise to be abject is to be seen as lowly in the extreme. Abode - (ab-OWED) to wait, implied to be patiently waiting, or to be made to wait, for example "apologies for my long abode" means "I apologize for taking so long". Abram - (AY-bram) Abraham, Old Testament patriarch, considered to be the father of the Jewish people. Shylock, as a Jew, invokes Abram's name, rather than the name of Jesus or Mary as Christians would. Abroach - (a-BROACH) to release or get started, to set something loose. "Who set this quarrel new abroach?" means "Who started up this argument again?" Abrogate - (AB-ro-gate) to get rid of, or to simply ignore something as if it doesn't exist. To abrogate one's responsibilities is to neglect them completely. Abrook - (a-BROOK) to endure or withstand. "Sweet Nell, ill can thy noble mind abrook the abject people" means "Nell, your mind can't handle the lowly folk". Abstenious - (ab-STEN-ee-us) a misspelling of "abstemious", meaning to abstain or to use something very little, as in taking little or no wine. Aby - (a-BYE) to be punished for, or take the penalty for something. To tell someone "Thou shalt aby it" means "You'll pay for that." Abysm - (a-BIZM) an older word for abyss, a deep and possibly bottomless pit. It could also have connotations of something being consigned to Hell. Academe - (a-ka-DEEM) academies, or places of learning where one might receive an education. "Our court shall be a little academe" means the court will be, in part, a place to learn. Accite - (as-SITE) to prompt or incite, e.g. "What accites your most worshipful thought to think so?" meaning "What inspired you to think that way?" Accompt - (a-KOMPT) account, as in financial accounts, such as bookeepers and accountants might take. To do something "without accompt" is like saying "it was nothing" upon being thanked for a good deed. Accost - (a-KAWST) to approach or come to, lightly implied to be somewhat boldly or aggressively. To accost someone often means to get in their way to ask for something or express some point. Accouter, Accouter - (a-KOOT-er) the clothing or trappings of a person or thing. When Portia says she will be "accoutred like young men", it means she'll dress up like a young man. Accoutrement - (a-KOOT-re-ment) what a person wears or the decorations of an object, be it clothing or jewelry. Can also be used symbolically, to refer to the outside appearance of something, when the inner truth is something else entirely. Acerb, Acerbe - (AH-serb) sharp and bitter, either in taste, or in attitude. Someone who speaks sharply and sarcastically is acerb, as is unripe fruit when tasted. Acknow on - (ak-NO on) an old way to say "acknowledge" or "recognize". When Iago says "Be not acknown on 't", he means "Put it out of your mind". It's none of her business. Aconitum - (ak-ON-ih-tum) a plant known more commonly as aconite, or more likely, the poison made from it. It implies something deadly or venomous. Acture - (AK-ture) an archaic way to say "action". The two words are interchangable. To say "their own enactures will themselves destroys" means to they will be destroyed by their own actions. Adage - (ADD-ij) a proverb or an old saying, like "curiosity killed the cat" or "a penny saved is a penny earned". A pithy phrase that usually has a moral statement. Adamant - (ADD-a-mant) to be firm and steadfast; someone who will not budge from an opinion or position; a substance harder than any metal (sometimes used to refer to diamond). Addle - (ADD-ul) to confuse or someone who exists in a confused state. To addle someone is to make them incapable of thinking in a straight manner. Ado - (a-DOO) trouble or fuss, "much ado about nothing" means "a lot of trouble for no reason"; sometimes simply means "to do". Adulterate - (a-DULT-er-ate) to corrupt or make something impure; someone or something that causes impurity in something that was once pure. Aedile - (EE-dile) an elected official in ancient Rome, usually chosen to look after public buildings and oversee public festivals. Aediles were also in charge of some of the city's food and water supply. Afeard - (a-FEERD) an archaic way of saying "afraid". "My daughter is sometime afeared she will do a desperate outrage to herself" means "My daughter is sometimes afraid she will do something to hurt herself badly." Affeered - (af-FEERD) an old word meaning to fix something in place, such as to set the price for something, or to confirm a fact or an action. Affiance - (af-FY-anse) often meaning betrothal or promise to marry; also the establishment of any firm agreement that is expected to be strongly held. Affine - (af-FINE) to have some sort of relationship, possibly familial; to be related by marriage; to have something in common Affray - (af-FRAY) to frighten or cause terror; sometimes to cause a fight or a public disturbance, or the public disturbance itself Affright - (af-FRITE) afraid, or to be afraid. To affright someone is to cause them to be fearful of something, e.g. "Do not be affrighted by mine appearance" is "Don't be afraid of how I look." Affront - (AF-front) an insult or to be insulting to someone. An affront to the eye is something that is an insult to see, as one who is affronted is insulted. Affy - (af-FY) to betroth, to promise to marry; or to place trust or confidence in. Similar in meaning to affiance. Afire - (a-FYR) literally, on fire; figuratively to strongly feel something, e.g. to be afire with rage or afire with wanting. Afoot - (a-FOOT) in progress or in motion, when the game's afoot, the game is already in play and the pieces are being moved. Afore - (a-FOR) an archaic way of saying "before", the two words are almost always interchangable when found in Shakespeare. A-fume - (a-FEWM) emitting smoke or dust or some kind of fume that affects the brain, intangible and impossible to grasp. Aglet - (AG-let) the binding on the tip of a shoelace or corset lace or tunic lace that prevents the string from fraying at the ends, and makes it easier to thread through holes and be tied. Agnize - (AG-nize) an archaic form of the word "recognize" or to know something or someone upon seeing it. Unused in modern language. Agone - (a-GON) passed, usually in the same manner as ago, e.g. "an hour agone" is the same as saying "an hour ago". Agood - (a-GOOD) as in really well, or really good. "I made her weep agood" is to say "I made her cry really hard." Agot - (AG-ot) a very small person, as in a midget, derived from small figures carved out of the stone known as agate. Ague - (A-gyoo) a sickness, usually a fever, but sometimes a cold and chills that cause shivering in those that suffer from it. Alack - (a-LACK) like alas, an expression of sorrow. "Alack the day" is to say that day was a day of sorrow and to insert alack into a sentence denotes something sorrowful about the occasion. Alarum - (al-ARE-um) an alarm or some commotion that means trouble is coming or that stirs up trouble itself; can also mean to warn or alert someone to danger. Alarum bell - (al-ARE-um BELL) a bell or other loud device that is used to ring an alarm and signal that danger is coming or trouble is otherwise on the way. Alarumed - (al-ARE-umd) warned of some trouble or stirred into readiness by some danger or action, similar in meaning to the modern word "alarmed" Albeit - (al-BEE-it) used the same as "although" , e.g. "Albeit you have deserved an award, the king is not ready to give you one yet." Alchemy, Alchymy - (AL-kem-ee) a mystical "science", similar to chemistry, but largely non-scientific, mostly known for the effort to transmute lead into gold and grant immortality to its practitioners. Alderliefest - (ALL-der-LIE-fest) also alder-liefest, meaning dearest or most beloved; the one speaking it to King Henry means to imply deep respect and utmost loyalty. Aleven - (al-LEV-in) eleven; an older way to state the number. Many transcriptions of the plays simply use the word eleven. Ale-wife - (AIL-wyf) the female proprietor or keeper of a place that serves ale, sometimes the wife of someone who owns such an establishment. Aliad - (UH-lee-add)a longing glance, a quick look that one gives to the object of their affection. Also spelled "oeillade" in some texts. All-abhorred - (ALL ab-HORD) something hated greatly by everyone, from the word abhor. Something all-abhorred is something no one wants to have anything to do with. Allegiant - (al-LEEJ-ant) loyal to the end, most appropriately stated to a monarch or someone else in a position of rulership or ultimate command. Allicholy, Allycholly - (AL-ih-kol-ee) melancholy, or sadness. Implied to mean moping or brooding, constantly occupied with mournful thoughts. Purposely written wrong as it was spoken by a poorly-educated character. Alligant - (AL-ih-gant) a mispelled word meaning "elegant" or "eloquent". Spoken by a character prone to using the wrong words. Allottery - (al-LOT-er-ee) a share or a part of something larger. To ask for an allottery of one's inheritance is to ask for the share one feels one is owed. All-thing - (all thing) completely and utterly. To say something is "all-thing unbecoming" is to say it's unseemly in the extreme and more than a little rude. All-too-timeless - (all too timeless) much too fast, done in such a way as to leave no time for thought before action, the same as "much too hasty". Allycholly - (AL-ih-kol-ee) melancholy, sorrow, in the sense of moping and brooding, and thinking on sad things constantly. A misspelled from of melancholy to denote the speaker is of little education. Almsman - (ALLMS-man) a beggar, or anyone else who lives through the charity of others, someone who is poor in the extreme without the means to support himself. Aloof - (a-LOOF) set apart, implied to be a purposeful separation from others; distant in demeanor, difficult to get close to in an emotional sense. Amain - (a-MAIN) as fast as one can, at full speed; with great force, with all the strength one can possibly muster still with the implication of haste. Ambassage, Ambassy - (am-bas-AHJ, AM-bass-ee) an errand or message, such as a letter or something else that sends information from one person to another. Amble - (AM-bull) generally to walk slowly and seemingly without purpose; to walk in disturbing or unnatural manner, in the case of Hamlet speaking to Ophelia. Ambuscade - (am-bus-KAHD-oh) an ambush or the place an ambush is about to take place, one of the common tactics in war to attack an enemy by surprise from hiding. Ameer - (a-MEER) a joking nickname, taken from the word "emir", a hereditary ruler in Islamic lands. Amerce - (a-MERS) to punish through financial means, to assess a punative fee or tax upon someone for whatever reasons. Amiable - (AIM-ee-a-bull) sweetly romantic, tender, loving; also beloved, desirable, or wanted in a romantic way by another Amiss - (a-MISS) something wrong, when describing something else, when something is amiss, there is something wrong with the situation at hand. Amorous - (AM-or-us) showing love or affection, often in description of someone's behavior or mood, amorous behavior indicates someone's in the mood for romance. Amort - (ah-MORT) feeling sad, or without spirit, experiencing a real emotional low. Someone feeling amort is visibly dejected, clearly enough for others to tell. Andiron - (AND-i-urn) ornamental supports of a fireplace, generally made of iron, though the ones mentioned in Cymbeline were silver. An-heires - (an-AIRS) corruption of a Dutch word, "mynheer", which means gentleman. Usually appears as Ameers, in the Shakespeare transcripts. Annexion - (an-NEX-ee-on) something extra, an attachment, an addition. The word sometimes carries the meaning of an accessory or an embellishment to an item. Annothanize - (an-O-than-ize) to take apart or dissect, to reveal. May also be written as "anatomize" in some works. The words are interchangable. Anthropophaginian - (an-thro-po-paf-JIN-ee-an) literally, someone who eats human beings, a cannibal. The implication is that one is a savage barbarian in speech and attitude. Antiquary - (ANT-ik-kwair-ee) olden or ancient, antiquary times are times ancient even to Shakespeare's reference, like the high point of the Roman Empire, or even farther back to the golden age of the Greek city-states. Antre - (AN-ter) a cavern or a cave. The word is no longer used in modern English and only appears once in Shakespeare's work. Apace - (a-PACE) very quickly and at great speed. It can be used either a command to move quickly or as an adjective meaning something is going rapidly. Apaid - (a-PAID) pleased, satisfied, or generally happy about a situation. Is spelled "appaid" in some transcripts of The Rape of Lucrece. Apathaton - (a-PATH-a-ton) another name for a given person, like a nickname. It is sometimes spelled as "epitheton", which means "epithet". Apish - (APE-ish) silly, foolish, goofy; uncivilized and uncouth. Apish behavior often means someone mindlessly copying someone as in "monkey see, monkey do". Apoplexed - (AP-o-plexd) paralyzed or unable to feel; when Hamlet mentions all sense being apoplexed, it is to say that faculties are numb and inoperative. Aporne - (AP-orn) an archaic way to say "apron". The reference in Shakespeare talks about a leather apron, of the type blacksmiths wear to keep sparks off their clothing. Apostrophus - (a-POSS-tro-fuss) a certain mark of punctuation, used to denote a sound in a word should remain unpronounced. Used to correct a document in Love's Labour's Lost. Appal - (ap-PALL) to turn pale with terror, to be horrified. Today, the word is most often used in the past tense, as in "She was appalled to see what had become of her former life." Appellant - (ap-PELL-ant)one who accuses or denounces someone of a crime, specifically treason. The appellant often makes his accusation directly to the king. Apperil - (ap-PAIR-ill) an older word meaning "peril" or danger. "Let me stay at thine apperil" is to say "It's dangerous to let me remain here." Approbation - (ap-pro-BAY-shun) an action that shows approval; conformation; a probationary period for an apprentice or novice; proof or confirmation Approof - (ap-PROOF) an archaic way to say proof; approval or affirmation; referring to someone or someone of proven quality or character. Appropriation - (ap-PRO-pree-AY-shun) a special quality that something possesses, e.g. the speed of a horse, the tracking ability of a dog, or the skill of a craftsman. Approver - (ap-PROOV-er) one who finds approval for others by subjecting them to tests, thereby supplying proof of someone's qualities or the lack thereof. Appurtenance - (a-PURT-an-ans) the common trappings that go with something else. The appurtance of welcome are the things that go with it, such as greeting, ceremony, and hospitality. Apron-man - (AY-pron man) an apron wearer, a tradesman who generally wears an apron in his line of work, such a blacksmith, a butcher, or any number of others who work with their hands Aptly - (APT-lee) easily, without great effort; without any preparation. To do something aptly means to do it without thought, but not necessarily without skill. Aqua-vitae - (AH-kwah VEE-tay) literally, the water of life. In actuality, strong drink like brandy or spirits to revive someone who has succumbed to stress, fallen unconscious, or is otherwise insensible. Araise - (a-RAYS) to raise someone from the dead, to cause a person to rise from the grave. The connotation is more someone lively enough to wake the dead, not raising undead monsters, such as zombies. Arbitrament, Arbitrement - (ar-BIT-trah-ment) coming to a settlement, arranging an agreement between two or more parties. These have been replaced with the more modern word "arbitration". Arbour - (AR-bore) a shady spot to rest, specifically a spot shaded by trees. It is a pleasant spot to take a break or to have a discussion or a romantic liason. Arch-mock - (arch mok) the butt of all the jokes, the chief focus of one's mockery. To be the arch-mock is to be the subject of someone's derision, often behind one's back. Ardently - (AR-dent-lee) with great passion, with burning intensity. Primarily used today to refer to romantic love, but it can apply to any emotion, such as joy or sorrow. Argal, Argo - (AR-gal, AR-go) another form of the Latin word 'ergo'. It can also be translated as 'therefore'. There was no one else in the room; argo, he must be the culprit. Argentine - (AR-jin-tyne) covered or clothed in silver, made of silver, or having the appearance of being made of silver. From the word "argent", meaning silver. Argosy - (AR-gos-ee) a type of ship used by merchants to transfer goods over sea; also a flotilla or fleet of merchant ships. Arm-gaunt - (ARM-gawnt) possibly meaning armored, yet thin in the extreme. Sometimes simply written as "arrogant", since there is some confusion as to the actual meaning of the word. Armigero - (arm-ih-GAIR-o) another word for "esquire". An armigero is entirled to carry a coat of arms or heraldic symbol that represents his family. The most minor of nobility. Armipotent - (arm-ih-POH-tent) a very skilled fighter, someone with powerful weapons, or very good at using weapons, such as Mars, the Roman god of war. Arms' end, at - (at arms end) literally at the point of a knife or sword. To hold someone at arm's end is to force them to do something by using the threat of bodily harm. Aroint - (a-ROYNT) go away, get away from me. A strong term for telling someone to get gone, often spoken to someone unclean or unholy. A-row - (a-ROH) all in a row, one by one in succession. A group of people all in a row are making a straight line, much like children lining up for class. Arrant - (AIR-ant) completely, utterly. An archaic word that is no longer used. An arrant coward is not just someone who lacks bravery, but one who is completely without any valor whatsoever. Arras - (AIR-us) a tapestry or wall-hanging, from Arras, France, where many such tapestries were made. They were often large enough for a person to stand behind, but usually fixed to a wall as decoration. Array - (uh-RAY) clothing, attire, or mode of dress; often meant specifically the armor and accoutrements of war. It could also refer to a costume or disguise of some kind, e.g. "a wolf in sheep's array". Arrearage - (uh-REAR-aj) arrears, an overdue payment or financial obligation, the amount of money one person owes to another, but has yet to repay. Arrivance - (uh-RIVE-ans) arrival. "Every minute is expectancy of more arrivance." is to say "He's more likely to get here with each passing minute." Artere, Artire - (ART-er-ee) both older spellings of "artery", major vessels in the circulatory system through which blood flows. Artificer - (ART-ih-fiss-er) someone who works with his hands, or more specifically a craftsman who creates his own products, rather than a common laborer. Artire - (ART-er-ee) an older spelling of "artery", major vessels in the circulartory system through which blood flows. Arts-man - (ARTS man) a man versed in the scholarly arts, known to be a man of learning. The arts in question are academic rather than actually artistic. Ascribe - (as-SKRYB) a verb meaning to associate a certain aspect with something else. To ascribe something to heaven is to say that something came from heaven or is a quality that describes heaven. Asinico - (ASS-in-ee-koh) ass or donkey. Not necessarily used to describe an animal, but can also be used as an insult, as if to call another an ass. Askance, Askaunce - (a-SKANZ, a-SKAWNZ) averted eyes; looking away from something; looking upon something with suspicion. Usually refers to something one does not want to see for one reason or another. Askant, Askaunt - (a-SKANT, a-SKAWNT) across, slanted over. A tree that grows askant a brook is leaning its branches over the water or even growing so the trunk itself leans out somewhat over the brook. Aspect - (AS-pekt) gaze, as in in the direction in which one is looking; appearance or expression of a person's face; what a particular object looks like or appears to be. Aspersion - (as-PER-shun) rain, shower, sprinkling. The connotation is of something falling from the skies, generally in a gentle or pleasant manner, rather than a heavy rain. Aspic - (AS-pik) in general, a poisonous snake, but more specifically an asp, such as the asp that reputedly killed Cleopatra. Appears in the play Antony and Cleopatra. Auspicious - (as-PISH-us) a misspelling of either "auspicious", meaning something lucky or of good fortune, or "suspicious", meaning someone who should be watched for trouble. A purposeful misspelling by the writer to show the speaker's poor command of the English language. Asprey - (AS-pree) an archaic spelling of "osprey", a bird of prey that dwells near bodies of water, such as rivers. Known for being excellent fishers. Asquint - (a-SKWENT) to look upon something with suspicion or prejudice. The implication is of looking at something with narrowed or squinted eyes. Assay - (as-SAY) as a noun, an effort or attempt; a trial or test; evidence or proof; an attack or assault. As a verb, to attempt; to try; to test; to make a proposal to Assinico, Asinico, Assenego - (ASS-in-ee-koh, ASS-in-ee-goh) ass or donkey. Not always used to describe the animal, but sometimes used as an insult, as in to call someone an ass or jackass. Assubjugate - (as-SUB-ju-gate) to cause someone to be subject to another's will, to force someone into subjugation, to demean another person. Astringer - (AS-string-er) someone who cares for the manor's hawks, particularly goshawks. Such birds of prey were often trained to hunt small game for the nobility. Asunder - (uh-SUN-der) pulled apart or separated, often with the implication of such separation being violent or unbidden, e.g. to rend someone asunder is to literally tear them limb from limb. Athwart - (uh-THWART) turning aside the plans of another, often with the intent to ruin said plans; to change the course; to lie across something. A-tilt - (a-TILT) a term which means "joust". Two knights jousting were commonly said to be tilting, and a jousting match was also known as a tilt. Atomy - (AT-om-ee) a thing so tiny as to be virtually insignificant. It could mean an atom or other such very small object, but it could also mean a person that doesn't even bear noticing. Attainder - (at-TAYN-der) a harsh accusation, a insult, a slur, a comment or statement that is meant to stain or ruin the reputation of another. Attaint - (at-TAYNT) to ruin or corrupt something, rather physically or socially. A drink could be attainted by poison, or the reputation of another could be attainted by slander or accusations. Attainture - (at-TAYN-sure) conviction or sentence, as in the punishment for a crime. It does not have to be a legal punishment -- the attainture for doing the wrong thing might well be a poor reputation or an unexpected outcome. Attask, Attax - (at-TASK, at-TAX) to give one a task; to levy a tax upon someone; to set them to a difficult job; to pass the blame to another. Attent - (at-TENT) from the word "attention", meaning keep alert, pay attention, keep one's eyes and ears open for what's coming next. Attired - (at-TIRED) dressed in, a reference to what someone is wearing. A king is attired in his robes of state, a knight attired in his armor and weapons. Attirement - (at-TIRE-ment) clothing or garments. A princess's gown and jewelry are her attirement, the rough tunic and apron of a tradesman are his attirement. Atwain, a twain - (a-TWAIN) in two, in half, making twin parts of something. Rats biting a cord atwain means they gnawed it in half. Anything brokent into two parts can be considered made atwain. Auger-hole - (AW-ger hole) a tiny hole, like one drilled by an auger, a tool used by craftsman to make holes in objects for laces, among other things. Augur, Augure - (AW-ger) one who engages in augury, or fortunetelling. Someone who is reputed to be able to tell the future through omens or some sort of ritual. Auld - (AWLD) an archaic way of "old". Not necessarily applied to a person, as it could mean any old thing, like clothing or an old friendship. Aunchient - (AWN-chant) another spelling of "ancient", meaning extremely old. When applied to a person, it means quite elderly, but when referring to a specific time or an object, it can mean centuries or even millennia of time. Auricular - (aw-RIK-u-ler) anything that can be heard by the ear, something audible. To be asked for auricular assurances means the speaker wants to hear the promise aloud. Auspicious - (aws-PISH-us) well-favored; pleased or happy; something that comes from or brings good fortune. An auspicious star is a lucky one, someone who appears auspicious appears cheerful. Austerely - (aw-STEER-lee) in a harsh or severe manner. When one is punished austerely, it is to say the punishment was incredibly harsh, perhaps even out of proportion. Austerity - (aw-STAIR-ih-tee) harshness, strictness. A father who practices austerity with his children is a man known for his strict parenting. Avaunt - (a-VAWNT) a strong way to tell someone to get away or go somewhere else. Sometimes used as a noun, as "give her the avaunt", meaning "ask her to leave". Ave - (AH-vay) a greeting or an acclamation. Generally more respectful than a simple hello. "Ave, Caesar!" is the same as calling "Hail, Ceasar!" Aver - (a-VER) to provide or affirm. To aver something could mean to give something to someone, or it might merely be the confirm the existence of something. Avert - (a-VERT) to turn something aside. Usually applied to a situation, rather than a person, e.g. to avert a catastrophe or to avert a war. Avise, Avised (a-VIZE) to be made aware of. "Be avised on it" is the same as saying "Pay attention to this" or "Take note of this". An older form of "advise". Avoirdupois - (ah-VWAH-doo-PWAH) originally from the French, meaning heaviness or weight. Often applied to a certain units of measurement that involve weight. Avouch - (a-VOWCH) to affirm or guarantee; to justify or defend. To avouch for something is to give it a personal stamp of approval and a guarantee of its good qualities. Avouchment - (a-VOWCH-ment) to vouch for something, to affirm or guarantee a fact. Most likely a misuse of the word "avouch", which is more common in Shakespeare's work. Award - (a-WARD) to give a judgment or decree, not necessarily a positive judgment. One could be awarded a punishment or a condemnation as well. Awd - (AWD) a form of "old", spoken in another dialect. Used only in Love's Labour's Lost by the character Dull. Aweless - (AW-less) causing no sense of awe, e.g. an aweless child; fearless and unintimidated, e.g. an aweless knight facing a battle. A-work - (a WORK) working, or in the process of doing something. To set a plan a-work is to set a plan into motion, or a person can simply be a-work, meaning engaged in a job. Awry - (a-RY) crookedly; somehow gone wrong; mistakenly. A king wearing his crown awry wears his crown crookedly. If his kingdom has gone awry, it means something has gone wrong with it. Axletree, Axle-tree - (AX-ul, AX-ul tree) the part of the axle on a cart that allows the wheel to pivot, an intregal part of a wagon or cart. Ay - (AYE) an exclamation with the same meaning as "oh", e.g. "ai, me!" is to say "oh, my!" ; another word for "yes". Aye - (AYE) always, forevermore. When one declares something to be "for aye", they mean to say something that will last for all eternity. Ayword - (AYE-word) a password or passphrase used to gain entrance to something, appears in some transcripts as "nay-word" instead. Azure, Azured - (a-ZHUR,a-ZHURD) the color blue. Azured is something that is colored blue, or has been colored blue, the same blue as a bright and cloudless sky.